Here’s a different sort of compilation and synth collaboration – KORG Germany in Berlin invited the likes of Joan La Barbara, Suzanne Ciani, Alva Noto, Dave Smith, and a lot of us relative newcomers, too, to make a cookbook. And it’s free to download.

There’s no catch here – not so much as a registration; you just grab the PDF.

But what’s great about this is that the recipes are generally simple, accessible, and most of all, really personal. Thanks so much to Tatsuya Takahashi, Maximilian Rest, and Verena and Lydia Glup for putting this together. I can’t wait to try out some of the recipes.

So, okay, CDM readers – curious to see what you make out of this! Guten Appetit!

Gudrun Gut. (Now and then.)

Alison T makes whiskey cocktails and dumplings. Alva Noto reaches to his usually delightful Asian influence with a Japanese cucumber salad. (Wow, could go for that right now.) Speaking of that, I can’t wait to try Fumio Miedia’s concept for raw egg on rice and I like the idea of contemplating electronics in the process. Dave Smith has a margarita, and looks really good modeling drinking it.

Dave Smith is the maximum prophet of chill.

Ģirts Ozoliņš from Erica Synths goes high concept with a nuanced chicken-veg-and-couscous recipe. (He went a bit outside the suggested format and length but I’m keen to try a longer recipe, too, so no complaints!) In that vein, Dorian Concept’s dish looks amazing, south Austrian goodness. Fruit lovers, the almighty Gudrun Gut has an utterly genius receipt for Widerstandskräftebrei and reminds me I never work with flaxseed.

I’ve been craving palak paneer, and have a nearby Indian market, so Deradoorian’s recipe comes just in time. Like my recipe, Afrorack’s is essential and basic but genius and – just what I need to make my eggs less boring. Mark Verbos makes tacos – with ingredients you can get here in Berlin. Thomas Fehlman has an amazing looking “Swissy” spicy pizza that’s way up on my list. Objekt, ever practical, does a quick soda bread.

From Bastl, Václav’s gnocchi is “for two” but I might just eat twice as much. And Verena’s golden soup looks utterly life-giving.

Fumio-san is reflecting on electronics, with egg.
Afrorack is making breakfast.

Also, I really never imagined I would read let alone share a cookbook with long-time heroes Morton Subotnick and Joan LaBarbara, and I really look forward to Joan’s opera.

That’s just thumbing through; there are lots more.

My own contribution is a personal one; I tried to think of the dish that can be made most easily and cheaply and that lasts. It’s something that can get you through tough times as well as good ones. I’m grateful to my Lebanese-American heritage for giving us those kinds of basic foods. And if you find it a bit bland, you can also easily embellish it. Oh plus you can Tupperware- this up and eat in the studio – it’s great cold. (Well, do it carefully so as not to get lentils in the synths Dave and Václav and Girts and Tats and company made!)

Any artists and engineers wanting to discuss cooking, food, and other topics, I am all about this. Meanwhile, I’m going to challenge myself to try a lot of your recipes.

Suzanne Ciani is not crying. (Well, those glasses will help! Smart!)
Ali T drinks in stereo.

Honestly, if KORG Germany wants to pivot and just start a massive urban garden, let’s do it. (How’s your roof over there, since you’re across the park from me?)

I always found our circles in music to be interested in care, sharing, and self-sufficiency. Eating has been a big part of working on the Musicmakers Hacklab and other collaborations, for sure. Snacking is both the thing to do to help fuel our creativity – and something to keep us nourished when our creativity fails us, too. Nosh well, friends.

And a big shout out to artists and friends right now who are working in grocery stores and other food industries. I know it’s not easy out there on any level right now. Hope you get some chance to make some music and unwind.

Korg Germany