PANORAMIC ROOM | OPTIMUS CLUBBING | CASA DA MÚSICA | 2012 from Dub Video Connection on Vimeo.

So, you may be a casual fan of projection mapping. Or, you may be a superfan, who dreams of reclining in your Barcalounger, replacing all your lightbulbs with projectors, and moving into a projection-mapped living room.

I imagine the latter when I watch this project from Dub Video Connection, the Portugese design agency, at Porto’s spaceship-like performance center, Casa da Musica.

This is the sort of thing we’ve seen before – in fact, you’ll see stuff very like this at mapping workshops of the sort put on by MadMapper. But it illustrates what happens when a set of simple mapping ideas is stacked on top of more ideas – creative a textured, immersive environment.

See also the making-of video – and think lots and lots of blocks and other goodies:

PANORAMIC ROOM 1 | MAKING OF from Dub Video Connection on Vimeo.

More on Lisbon’s Dub Video Connection:

Dub Video Connection is a Multidisciplinary Studio, based in Lisbon, dedicated to Multimedia Arts and Interactivities, since 1997.

We are committed to develop ideas and projects in film direction and production, graphic and motion design, visual identities for artists and festivals, video mapping and 3D visuals, interactive systems, technical implementation and visuals creation and performance.

And yes, I want my own mapped living room. Better get on that. My… electricity company may like this direction, too.