“Computer music,” “digital music” – this doesn’t necessarily mean a big laptop. Game Boy musicians had it right to begin with: palm-sized machines can make music, too. And this track is gorgeous – the work of a user named “pselodux”:

The ingredients: two Pocket Operators from Teenage Engineering, a patchblocks block, and a mixer.

The story of the patchblocks module itself is interesting – it’s an implementation of a spring reverb made with carefully tuned delays. More information:


And you can find that patch’s creator here:


As it happens, I came across this whole song and project via the Pure Data mailing list (even though Pd wasn’t involved), and now I have to try out jayrope’s spring reverb ideas, described thusly (and awaiting someone’s Pd implementation):

A simple version looks like this
two delay chains, 25 and 40 ms (typical accutronic spring tank from guitar amps),
each with feedback through an allpass filter, which should allow to smear the HF usually in a range of max 1ms.
add faders for
– the delay time (ratio 2.5:4 – i prefer to have a range of 2.5 to 125 for the 25ms delay chain, the second delay chain x 1.6),
– the amount of feedback
– the amount of smear on the feedback.
– a control for randomization (see LFO thing below)

Unfortunately i am not aware of an allpass filter object for PD, as i use only vanilla, but i am sure you’ll find one.

Additionally, to create more interesting pictures, you can
– add an LFO per delay chain with a line object set to 500 (to create a sort of glide) to modulate the delay time slightly or heavily.

“Ah!” you say. “But here again, Peter has gone off on some tangent and is randomly posting text no one will read. Why, I’m not even reading this now! Now,” getting to the point here, “can you please post some really danceable minimal-ish techno track made entirely with Nanoloop and the Pocket Operator? Because I want to dance, not read!

Wow, imaginary voice in my head. You are so right.


Also, whoever you are, please come to Berlin, and let’s have a party with little pocket machines.