◥ BEATS, BITS, ATOMS from ◥ panGenerator on Vimeo.

Call it post-digital, call it tangible. But whatever you call it, there’s new work that skirts boundaries between the sculptural and the virtual, integrating physical media in ways that surprise and delight. In the latest projects of Polish-based collective panGenerator, shown recently in a solo show in a renowned Warsaw gallery, techniques are interwoven in projects that take on quirky, whimsical personality.

Oh yeah – and fish finally get to play with camera tracking, too, not just humans.

panGenerator member Jakub Kozniewski shares with CDM, and describes the projects thusly:

  • kinetic mapping or “augmented rattle”
  • fish that produces 3d printed sculptures
  • painting that paints itself analyzing dynamics of the street
  • hybrid between old cell phone and even older slide projector

More details on the video and specific works:

Video was taken during ( 10-30.05 2012 ) the solo exhibition of panGenerator group in Kordegarda Gallery which is an institution of National Center of Culture. Installations in order of apperance:

.FLOAT – 0:11
PEACOCK – 1:08

Project info:
Aquaristics in relation to art, live organism as a database
Transposition of movement to form, bio-art and DIY culture.
concept, design, development – Krzysztof Goliński

Painting that paints itself. A portrait of street dynamics in Krakowskie Przedmieście
An expressionistic-mechanical abstraction.
concept, design, development – Piotr Barszczewski

Tripod, kinetic audiovisual installation. 2.5D mapping on moving surfaces.
Rattle for the rave generation 😉
concept, design, engineering, development – Jakub Koźniewski
sound design & programming – Krzysztof Cybulski
+ special thanks to Piotr Barszczewski ( engineering support ) & Krzysztof Goliński ( Android tablet dev )

Hybrid of interfaces seemingly incongruent. Old cell phone and even older slide projector,
glitch, feedback and other analogue-digital phenomena
concept, design, engineering, development – Krzysztof Cybulski

Video credits:
footage & video editing – Jakub Koźniewski
music – “This will fall apart” by Century Of Aeroplanes (wmrecordings.com/releases/wm069.htm)

More information:

Background on the group:

panGenerator is an interdisciplinary new media art group, established after famous MediaLab in Chrzelice in 2010. Their goal is to combine design and art with modern technologies and to operate outside the borders between different fields by cooperation with specialists – engineers, fashion designers, musicians and programmers. Apart from from their work in the creative realm they want to be active in sharing their knowledge and educating on utilizing new technologies in art and design. They support creative commons and opensource initiatives.