Way behind the times on this one, because it seems not to have gone viral – yet. But it’s a song about audio equipment manufacturer Behringer – the official corporate song. It’s not a joke. It has a big modulation and “doot doots.” Maybe someone can transcribe the lyrics.

That’s — all I can say about this at the moment.

In other Behringer news, a fake Twitter account parodying Uli Behringer has started complaining to me and accusing me of abusing the labor of my social media minions – I think. (What? CDM interns need bathroom breaks? Bah, hambug – figure out why we’re still stuck at 19,000 likes!) Correction: Not Uli Behringer has in fact pointed to this song. I’m not sure that even a fake Twitter account could add to its impact, however.

It almost rivals the “classic” KPMG (consulting) anthem. (KPMG wins out I think for having the most obtuse chord progression I’ve ever heard in a bridge, if you make it there — it might be a bridge too far.)

By the way, in one of the oddest stories regarding Internet intellectual property and music – and a rare chance of a legal team possibly trying to save humanity – KPMG legal tried to stop us from hearing this.
Big Stink Over a Simple Link

And you thought lawyers were evil.

I hope everyone wakes up to this post Monday morning and is inspired to a hard-working work week. Yeah. That.

Updated! Fake Uli Behringer has sent us lyrics! Well – sort of. It’ll be enough to host your own karaoke session.
