Create Digital Motion is proud to be a sponsor of the 2009 MGFest. It’s a huge festival, now covering multiple US cities, covering all aspects of visual technology – including the stuff we especially like, at the convergence of live visuals, VJing, interactive graphics, and music.

Now’s the time to enter your stuff, as we’d love to see readers’ work in the festival (and will be sure to cover it). But it’s also worth noting how smart the organizers have been about the way they do the call for works – instead of an elaborate, multi-page specification where you’re suppose to talk about how this relates to the theme of “cross-species transubstantiation in a post-urban metastasis,” they’ve kept it simple and focus on the work. And they’ve provided different levels of involvement, as well, rather than gear everything to one pole or another, simplistic reels or elaborate proposals – they cover a spectrum. It’s a smart way to do a call for work and one (ahem, anyone listening?) I hope others try.

But without further ado, let’s get to that call. Note that if you enter by Friday, you save a significant amount of cash on DVD submission! Best of luck. (Update: Links fixed.)

Send your finest minutes, your dreams realized, your fictions animated, your adventures recorded, your sweat and passion woven into something of beauty, and the Motion Graphics Festival will
take it to audiences across the country. Selections will be screened during the 6th annual Motion Graphics Festival tour in Chicago, Boston, Austin, Atlanta and Washington DC.

[ Easy ]
Simply enter a link to a video you think is really good!

[ Medium ]
Send a DVD of a video you made.
Final Entry Deadline: Friday, November 21 – $35, $15 for students
Late Entry Deadline: Friday, December 21- $85, $35 for students

[ Hard ]
Suggest a presentation topic, performance or installation. Motion Graphics Festival 2009 Tour
In its 6th year, MGFest stands as the premier US event showcasing creative motion picture design. The festival presents a year-long, regionally focused program of events. The 5-city tour focuses on motion design, sound design, and film & video technology by hosting: art showcases, exhibits, workshops, classes, panel discussions, studio tours, theater screenings and industry mixers.

Download the Call For Entry Poster: