Macworld Conference & Expo in Boston (July 11-14) is looking like it’ll be a big event for Mac musicians. Here’s the lineup:

Three workshops by yours truly: free on the showfloor, an all-inclusive Mac music intro, plus user conference workshops on live performance / DJing and graduating from GarageBand to Logic

Users conference track on music, and free on the showfloor presentations like how to record your band

Macworld Berklee Music Festival will feature various Berklee-related music events, with the band Birdsongs of the Mezosoic, a return of Berklee’s dream studio (well, Digidesign gear isn’t usually in MY dreams, but hey), and iPod-able free downloads of music artists.

Calling all Bostonites and/or those going to Macworld: (even if you use a PC — hey, ESPECIALLY if you use a PC; this is the home city of Cakewalk) Drop me a line if you’re interested in a CDM Boston party, where we can gather some wild interactive music tech and gadgets, play some digital jams, meet & greet. I’m looking for a venue, probably for Thursday night. If you’re interested in helping plan / play, let me know. And if you’re just interested in coming, let me know, too.