I'm traveling to the legendary geekfest that is South by Southwest Interactive Saturday through Tuesday.

Going to Austin? Drop me a line via the CDM contact link and let me
know; I'd love to meet some CDM readers! Hopefully some of you are geek
enough (and, er, expense account-ed enough) to make it!

Don't miss Tuesday's session on which I'm a panelist — How to Trick Out Your iPod. I'll be sure to suggest my favorite iPod accessory, the Buchla 200e.
It's the multi-thousand-dollar, non-portable modular analog synthesis
system every iPod owner needs. Now where are those banana plug to
earbud adapters . . . I want to listen to CV, darnit!

UPDATED — Wired Magazine, "Austin is the Place for Netheads": Wired's
Katie Dean writes about the conference that "net luminaries like Ana
Marie Cox, known for her saucy political blog Wonkette, and Bram Cohen,
creator of BitTorrent will converge in Austin, Texas, for five days of
panel discussions, parties and cool tech tutorials like "How to trick
out your iPod."

Cool? Us? Wow, thanks.