For those interested in coding their own audiovisual creations inside the artist-friendly language Processing, here’s an e-book that will help unlock the world of sound. Hot on the heels of my own workshop recently at Los Angeles’ Crash Space hackshop using our new Pd for Processing library, Evan X. Merz has an extensive ebook that works with sound and Processing.

And there’s no reason to be afraid. As the author says, “It’s aimed at Processing programmers who may think that true multimedia in Processing is too difficult for them. This book shows that it’s easy!”

What’s notable about it is that it’s really an introduction to the world of synthesis and effects processing as much as the specific code language here. Unlike our Pd library, you use code entirely both for graphics and sound. (Pd uses a graphical patching metaphor for sound.)

I am working on bringing the Pd for Processing library up to snuff for wider consumption and documenting how to use it, so stay tuned on that front. But I also love Beads – and some of the work we’re doing with audio APIs should soon benefit both, too. (Example: Beads should be able to make use of our JACK code.)

Free downloadable PDFs are available as well as for-fee print and Kindle editions that support the author.

A look at highlights from the table of contents:

Beads Basics (unit generators, gain, glide)
Synthesis (additive, modulation, FM, ring mod, envelopes)
Granular synthesis
Effects (delay, filters, panners, reverbs, compressors, wave shaping)
Saving and rendering
Audio input
MIDI (via The MIDI Bus library)
Analysis, FFT, frequency analysis, beat detection
Custom UGs

It’s really brilliant stuff in a very wonderful Java-based sound language. I’m excited to see this stuff expand. If you do pick up the book, definitely share your results and anything you build. And stay tuned for more on Processing and sound.

More information:
“Sonifying Processing: The Beads Tutorial” Introduces Sound Art Creation In Processing [Evan’s Computer Music Blog post]

Downloads – source code and PDF Kindle + print editions