Take MIDI remote control, electrical impulses fed to the twitching corpses of dissected frogs, and add water. What you get? Creepy-as-hell “zombie frog ballet,” in a work sent to us by a reader. The work of Shanghai, China artist LuYang (apparently now living in Japan), you can at least take comfort in the fact that these frogs were dead – not killed for the experiment. I hope I get to do some dancing after I’m gone. But yes, it can be a bit … disturbing.

After many years of doing this, and seeing some astounding things, I think Necromancy qualifies as the strangest application of MIDI yet.

In English and Japanese:

My project “Revived Zombie Frogs Underwater Ballet,” originally started from 2009 has been consummated as a video work. This work takes a form of MTV showing dead frog’s dance controlled by Midi controller and Midi signal. For the avoidance of cruelty to animals, dead frog bodies originally used in a medical dissection experiment were re-used for this work.
Because of my strong affinity with CONTROL, the control of people and animals, I have been creating my works by using technology and various media. Such a control totally relies on the cerebration of human and they cannot escape from the physiological reality. Yet they use their bodies to create devices so they can break away from these limitations while they are being controlled by their physical form or illness.
I have strongly desired to substantiate a cross-cutting collaboration work. Art itself is a small discipline and I am hoping to learn more by combining it with other disciplines.
Finally I would like to express my sincere appreciation for Fukuoka Asian Art Museum and all technical specialists and their staff members who cooperated with my art-making.
2009年より考えてきた「復活!水中カエルゾンビバレエ」 を、ここに映像作品として実現することができました。この作品はミュージックビデオの形をとっており、MidiコントローラーとMidi信号で蛙の死骸をコントロールしてダンスを演出します。この作品で使った蛙の死骸は解剖実験で使用されたものであり、動物虐待に関与するものではありません。

Fortunately, LuYang seems to like living frogs, too, as evidenced by this psychedelic pet Keroro freak-out:

And now I know this means “ribbit ribbit ribbit ribbit…”
