Okay, theoretically we should have just been throwing massive MIDI parties. Jere Käpyaho writes:

I was just reading Midi for the Professional by Lehrman & Tully from 1993. The foreword (by Robert Moog) states that “[t]he first time that two MIDI-equipped instruments built by two different companies were hooked up and played together was at the January 1983 NAMM show”. This year at NAMM, did anyone remember that it was 25 years ago? Any celebrations (like at 20 in ’03, see http://namm.harmony-central.com/News/2002/MIDI-20th-Anniversary.html), memorial plaques, something like that? Just curious.

I didn’t do much for my own birthday this year, in the hopes of doing something, um, belated.

So I think we have to have some sort of huge MIDI bash. That is, assuming someone can confirm that this is correct (to my knowledge, it definitely is).

Suggestions for festivities?

Anyone out there who was at the first historic MIDI connection?