Digital Graffiti at the Olympic Village from Alex Beim on Vimeo.

Live, interactive visualist performance has made its way to the Olympic Winter Games in Vancouver. Thanks to Alex Beim for the tip.

Now, am I the only one watching pairs figure skating and wondering what an algorithm would look like that would generate those arcs? (If I get really advanced, I can start doing matrix transforms for a triple lutz-triple toeloop, but … that may require practice.)

Chairman Ting’s digital graffiti art performances at the Salt Building inside the Athlete’s Village were commissioned by The Vancouver Organizing Committee for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games (VANOC) using Tangible Interaction’s unique digital graffiti wall technology.

Made with Open Frameworks

Holy Fuck – “Frenchy’s”



Nice stuff. Let’s see, we could also get a visual code Olympics going someday. Then again, if you think the Vancouver opening ceremony had technical difficulties…