We live in an age when we can jam along with machines as well as with humans. And maybe it’s about time that they fed us some clever grooves instead of, you know, fake news and stuff.

Our friend Krzysztof Cybulski of Warsaw, PL’s panGenerator shares his FEEDBOXES. They’re “autonomous” sound objects, capable of responding to audio inputs with perpetually-transforming responses.

It’s all thanks to elegant use of feedback loops – meaning you can toy with these techniques yourself.

Now that’s a better kind of echo chamber.

It also makes use of the awesome, free PdDroidParty by Chris Mccormick, which in turn is based on the free libpd library and Pure Data.

It’s not the first time Krzysztof has built instruments around feedback, messing about in the panGenerator workshop for the joy of it. See his feedback synth, too:

It’s worth checking out all panGenerator are doing; they’re really one of the smartest and most imaginative interaction design shops in the moment, and representative of Poland’s brainpower at its finest.
