Marc Weidenbaum of Disquiet writes to let us know that free audio is available of the Maker Faire panel on creating instruments:

Instrument Panel MP3 and Commentary [Disquiet] details and MP3 download

Other featured speakers: Krys Bobrowski, Tom Koch (aka univac) and Chachi Jones, and they brought some really cool stuff:

Bobrowski brought along some fantastic horns made of dried kelp and an oversized glass ‘armonica designed for extended glissando. Jones and Koch brought numerous homebrew gadgets, most of which are broadly summarized as circuit-bent: Speak’n’Spells and Teletubby dolls with extra switches added on, like the hybrid “remades” of China Mieville’s fiction.

Photos, anyone? (More Maker Faire reports as we get them . . . hint, hint.)

Steve Cooley writes (sorry for the delay on posting, Steve):

Hey, I went to that session you mentioned on circuit bending!

YouTube Video 1
YouTube Video 2

Photos of that session: [ Gallery 1, 2, 3 ]

Many unrelated photos of the maker faire here, too: [ Gallery ]

Thanks, Steve! Anyone else? Up-close shots of any of the instruments?