We love computers. But the idea of a piece of hardware capable of triggering clips has been tantalizing from the beginning. Grab a piece of gear that’s not big and pricey like a Pioneer DVJ, plug it in, and play some clips into your mixer and effects — sign me up!

The only problem has been, not only does the Edirol P-10 cost as much as a well-equipped laptop, but it’s first iteration had some significant problems that made it useless to VJs and live visualists. Specifically, latency made the P-10 undesirable — ironic, as low latency is exactly why you’d want to use dedicated hardware. Tony of The Lab writes to let us know Edirol has fixed a lot of those problems with a firmware update. It sounds like someone over at Edirol was listening:

I’ve stumbled upon this firmware update for the Edirol P-10 and I must admit it’s made a hell of an improvement on clip triggering. The update is simplicity in itself too. If you have a P10, this update is essential.

There is also available a mac version of the P10 conversion software too, ill check this soon.


I’ve lifted this straight out of the pdf instructions.

The ver.1.05 software includes following improvement and correction.
– Faster pad response for playback (in case of the video playing
back which is less than 1 – 2 minutes).
– Supports 32GB of SDHC card.
– At previous version, a few frames of video ending part was not
played. The ver.1.05 solved the problem completely.
– When the MIDI setting “Soft Through” is OFF, “All Note OFF” and
“All Sound OFF” MIDI command does not go through.
– “Slide Show button” by MIDI is available.


Original posts, with lots of other comments:
Create Digital Motion » Edirol P-10 Plays, Samples Visuals to SD Cards; Pricing, Availability Update

Create Digital Motion » Edirol P-10: Record, Playback MJPEG on Removable SD Cards