From the northernmost reaches of the Eastern Hemisphere, we’re treated today to some terrific visual imagination from Russia. The OFFF design festival this year collected Russian work in a special event, and CDM reader and presenter MRfrukta! (aka Alex Frolov) shares his terrific reel for the event.

OFFF2011 RDP View from the scene RUSSIAN DESIGN PANEL June 10 2011 OFFF Festival
Speakers: Arseny Vesnin, Vladimir Tomin and Evgeny Kiselev

For his part, Frolov is a 19-year-old designer, typographer, and “motionmaker.” Some terrific work. You’re making some of us feel … well, older, if not old. I’d better stretch this aging body and get to it!

The second video, below, features Vadim Smakhtin’s work from the Russian Panel presentation.

Alex is also a member of an all-Russian Vimeo showcase:

We’re all blessed to watch the world shrink in this way, to have access to all this spectacular talent from the planet; I never take it for granted. Especially when I remember being addicted to dialup modem BBSs in the year Alex was born – and I’m really not old; the pace has been stunning, and I’m happy to take the rest of my life just catching up artistically and creatively.