Handcrafted CD covers for records and mixes, meditative music made in game engines, handheld chip music creations, analog light synths and drone labs, VL-Tone classical music, and more surprises are coming to New York on Sunday, October 10. (Austin, Texas gets its own event, making noisemakers and ring modulators.)

We promise music you can dance to, music you can’t, and tapas (at least in NYC).

And on October 10, a little secret will finally be revealed to Manhattan and the world.

If you’re a citizen of The Internet, we’ve got lots of sounds and creations to explore here on The Web from the comfort of Your Home – scroll on below. There are even great projects you can build anywhere in the world.

For New Yorkers, the lineup on Sunday:

  • Immersive music made with game engines, featuring foci + loci (Tamara Yadao + Chris Burke) doing strange and wonderful things with the likes of Halo and Little Bit Planet.
  • Drone labs and analog light synths by master electronic sonic maker Peter Edwards, Casperelectronics.
  • Classical music on Casio VL-Tone in a cameo by the amazing Annabelle Cazes.
  • Chip music by PULSEWAVE, hosted by Peter Swimm. UPDATED – confirmed Rhinostrich +
  • Make + trade handmade CDs (see our separate article, posting tonight). Bring your music or Creative Commons-licensed / public domain mixes.
  • A surprise. Or more. At least one.

October 10, completely free
4pm, FREE workshop on handmade music mixes – RSVP | Facebook
7-11pm, party, live music performances, general noisemaking (Facebook)

Presented by CULTUREfix, our new favorite home on the Lower East Side, complete with fantastic tapas, drinks, and drool-worthy electronics


Here’s a first look at the projects, starting with a live performance I’m told gives us a loose sense of foci + loci — hoping to see even more Sunday.

foci + loci – Front Room Gallery June 2010 from glomag on Vimeo.

Drone Lab V2

From Austin – Three Projects You Can Build

That’s right, you’re not from Texas? Texas wants you anyway. Even if you’re nowhere near the Lone Star State, here are three projects you can build/buy — and yes, we’ll need to compile a full guide to all these great projects.

If you are in Austin, Texas, don’t miss the event Sunday, October 10. (We’ll have to Skype from NYC to Austin!)

Handmade Music Austin #12

The projects…

Ring Modulator, Mickey Delp’s great-sounding project, also available as a US$45 kit ($75 assembled)

Ring Modulator
Original prototype with schematics

SimSam, an $8, beginner-friendly noisemaker (complete with specs, the lot).

PicoPaso, a Forrest Mims Atari Punk Synth-inspired stepped tone generator. Schematics + purchase info at Bleep Labs.