Create Digital Music Night at ETSY LABS from Etsy on Vimeo.

Handmade marketplace, DIY "mook"/blog Make, and again team up for another Handmade Music Night at Brooklyn’s Etsy Labs! For an idea of what it’s about (or perhaps inspiration for starting something similar in your corner of the world), see the video above.

On tap:

Chiptune gaming systems for music, strange alternative MIDI controllers and sound-mangling custom software, repurposed vintage synthesizer chips made famous by the Commodore 64, digital visuals, a musical Nintendo Wii balance board, and wireless sensing controllers…

And more.


7/8/08 – 7pm onward (free!)
Etsy Labs
325 Gold St., 3rd floor
Brooklyn, NY (Map)

You can rsvp to to give us an idea of who’s coming.

Bring your stuff!

As always, we welcome projects in various states of completion! So bring in your DIY software / hardware / circuit bending / chiptune / hacking / patching creations and share them with a friendly, relaxed crowd of fellow geeks!

If you want to give us some advance warning / do a short performance, you can fill out our summer "call for works" form (assuming you haven’t already). (See previous story and scroll down; direct Google Docs link. If you have trouble with the Google Docs form, try our contact form.)


Handmade Music Night returns! – 7/8/08 []

Handmade Music Night Featured on Current TV [Etsy’s The Storque]