Our first report from the Maker Faire is here, from forums regular Vlad Spears. And best of all, he’s got a Monome of his own, now back in his studio. The verdict? A controller filled with buttons may not seem like much, but this one’s all about the details:

The Monome is a deceptively simple device. An 8 x 8 grid of rubber pads lit by green LEDs, communicating and drawing power over USB . . . Built by forward looking people, the Monome is a future device available right now.

Even if you’re skeptical about a grid of buttons for music-making, Vlad has some excellent points on the subtleties of the design here. And, of course, you can always build your own interface if you don’t like this one, as being discussed in the CDM forums.

Vlad on Monome Release Party, Taking a Monome Home