Sure, you might know Mutable Instruments’ terrific Eurorack modules are open and hackable – but do you know where to start? Our friend Michael Forrest walks you through it all in a friendly video.
Have a look:
The trick here is that Emilie has made it easy by employing a custom development environment:
That in turn builds on Adafruit’s virtual toolchain for ARM. You don’t strictly speaking need this, but by running a virtual image, you avoid some of the configuration wrinkles that can stop you from getting going – especially if you’ve never done this sort of work before. Basically, Linux is the easiest OS to manage here, but since a lot of you don’t have a Linux boot set up for chip coding, you can run the image in any VirtualBox environment – Mac and Windows included – all for free.
The modules themselves remain an enormous catalog of stuff:
Plus, whilst we’re at it, Mutable shipped an update for the excellent Quad VCA module just last month, as noted by Synthtopia. It’s now slimmer (10HP) and uses sliders with light-up indicators in place of knobs – plus handles bipolar signals:
Got mods in mind? Trying this out for the first time? Let us know how it goes!