Re:Sound Bottle -second mix- from Jun Fujiwara on Vimeo.

Sampling might feel sometimes like bottling up sounds. But in a project from Japanese designer Jun Fujiwara, the experience is delightfully literal – much to the surprise of people who try it out. As seen in videos, Re:Sound Bottle records sound snippets when uncorked, then remixes them into rhythmic music.

Have a look. It looks like great stuff. Dear Jun, if you’re out there and read CDM, we’d love to hear from you!

Description and original video below:

Re:Sound Bottle -second mix-
Experimental sound medium that transforms recorded everyday sounds into music

[ Concept ]

• Allows anyone to create music using sounds from daily life
• Communication that arises from intuitive sound interaction
The conventional way of experiencing music is usually through existing technologies such as the ipod or the radio. However, this style of experiencing music takes place in a given form; is static and as a result leaves us dissatisfied.
To really enjoy music, we need to find music through sounds around us. We need to stop being tied down with new gadgets that provide the music for us, but to search for music ourselves.
A series of ideas like these lead me to create this device.
This creation’s main concept is to record sounds from daily life. It is the concept of ‘collecting sounds in a bottle’. You choose the sounds collected in the bottle. Using everyday sounds as a musical component establishes a new understanding of the sounds we listen to everyday. By collecting your own sampling of sounds, you encounter a unique piece of music that can be experienced only once.
This device will bring a smile to anyone, as many will be able to experience the charm of music, leading them to turn music into something they love and adore.

Created by Jun Fujiwara

Re: Sound Bottle from Jun Fujiwara on Vimeo.