Photo: Ben Hanbury, from a very cool BBC event. Sort of sums up game audio, this.

For one area in which forward-thinking digital music types are doing innovative work in game and interactive audio, look no further than the Interactive Audio SIG. They’re doing really interesting stuff in looking at how tools can support future interactive music. And if you are going to GDC, this is another one you’ll want to catch. It’s worth noting that the “interactive” in their title really is just that: this is about all forms of interactive music, not just games per se. Given what we’ve seen with generative music apps on desktops and mobiles alike over the past year, that really brings this point home. In fact, unconstrained by the harsh business realities of big-budget game development, individual composers and small teams experimenting with the future of music is really where I expect to see progress.

That doesn’t make the challenge any less for formats like IASIG’s iXMF interactive spec – if game developers are primarily interested in keeping their proprietary engines humming and focus on fairly non-interactive assets, iXMF may not really catch on. But then, I like a good challenge, and anyone who knows the game and interactive space knows that sometimes real innovation takes time.

Watch CDM for more coverage and even some tutorials on these topics all year long – think we’ve got some good stuff coming.

Brad Fuller of IASIG writes: “I didn’t see a mention of the IASIG on your blog. Maybe I missed it.”

Well, Brad, sometimes I just think things and forget to write about them, which admittedly makes it hard to read. So here’s what Brad sends along on the IASIG meeting:

Each year at GDC we have our annual IASIG Town Hall meeting where we gather to discuss progress in our working groups and also allow others to discuss what they would like the IASIG to address in an open mic session.

We also have an annual mixer where we share drinks and a raffle of great audio prizes from sponsors such as: Creative Labs, Garritan, Numark, MixMeister, O’Reilly Media and Wave Arts. IASIG members and those in the audio business are welcome (a business card, or other identification is recommended.)

Here’s a recap of last year’s party and Town hall meeting:

This year will be no different, a mixer and a town meeting will be held at GDC. Check your bag for a flyer that will indicate the time and location.

Hope to see you there!

More info:

The IASIG exists to allow developers of audio software, hardware, and content to freely exchange ideas about improving the performance of interactive applications by influencing hardware, software, and tool design. The IASIG provides resources in the form of standards creation and maintenance, research reports, and recommended practices. Anyone with a commercial interest in audio for interactive entertainment is encouraged to become a member <> of the IASIG.

Thanks, Brad! I’m working on getting out there myself, so maybe see you there.