Singer and electronic one-man band Jamie Lidell has a great interview from Belgium’s Domino Festival. Jamie speaks from the back seat of a Volvo station wagon to a phantom interviewer. He reflects on performance, trance states (people tell him he does weird things with his eyes onstage), and getting “deeper” live. There’s also some great footage of him illustrating his voice as an instrument and rocking out behind a table of electronic toys from Korg ElecTribes to MPCs to a PC laptop to a Theremin. That’s not strictly speaking the kind of Theremin technique some would endorse, but it’s sure fun to watch.

If you don’t know Jamie’s stuff, go check out this Warp Records artist at his site. (Thankfully, unlike some artist sites, you can actually navigate this one.) His tours are limited to Europe at the moment, so to our friends across the ocean, let us know if you make a gig, won’t you?

Thanks to Mark Strauss for this tip!