As mentioned in the call for artists, I have a project coming up which involves projection mapping in a venue which seems to have been designed with visuals in mind.


Doing research for this project I’ve discovered that there’s a dearth of resources for artists taking their first steps into projection mapping. The “traditional” technique is to follow the manual-labour route and make a mask in photoshop, or position planes in After Effects:

Video from Deepvisual

However, we’re hearing great things about VVVV’s new projection mapping techniques, and have seen so many great generative projection mapped projects in the past, it seems a pity to take the easy* way out.

So as the Game On project progresses, we will be putting together a CDM Projection Mapping guide, to get today’s visualists up to speed on this sexy yet mysterious technology. If you’d like to contribute to this project, or have a tool or technique which you think should be featured, get in touch ( or contact form).

(*Note: “Easy way out” may turn out to be anything but easy.)