You may have noticed that I’ve been a little quiet in recent months. The Game On Projection Mapping project is partly to blame, but the biggest culprit will be making its first public appearance as well this Saturday, and I’ve called it Herovision.

Herovision Testing Party from Jaymis on Vimeo.

The above video features a bit of a highlight reel from “performances” at our testing party last Saturday night, and I’ve posted a full song as well. As you can probably tell from the mixing techniques displayed, the core of the system is a Vixid mixer, anchored to a brace of cheap security cameras. The system still requires plenty of hardware hacking and software programming before the weekend, and the finished version will include some more advanced keying and compositing techniques, but I’m excited to finally have something to show for all the late nights, and couldn’t hold off posting this work-in-progress.

Obviously this is a great way to level up the fun value of a little collaborative rhythm gaming, however the serious, visualistic reasoning behind it all is that I’ve been working to create a compact setup for live music video production. After playing 90 live shows last year, I wanted to have a system which would allow a small team to put together a multi-camera, live streaming show with a minimum of gear, expense, and climbing of ladders.

I think we’ve achieved this aim, and after the festivities of this weekend have died down, I’d like to start sharing with you some of the techniques we’ve discovered and lessons we’ve learned.

Finally, if you’re in Brisbane this weekend, come along to the Game On Launch Party, play some games, check out the projection mapping, and get a little Herovision on.