Handheld controller from Argentina – brewed entirely with open source tools, shared as an open source tool. Images courtesy the artist.

Knowledge on how to build dazzling new interfaces for music is spreading. And because musical performance depends on sharing knowledge and practice, that could have a transformative effect. Literally as I’m walking out the door to leave for a showcase of gestural performance in Berlin, I get a chance to look at this team from Argentina. They’re purposely giving away the plans for their open source live performance instrument, built in turn with open source hardware (Arduino) and software (free graphical development environment Pd).

It’s nice to see a sympathy with American artist (residing in Germany) Onyx Ashanti, since Onyx has described a performance idiom that embraces more of this improvisatory gestural music in electronics (calling it things like “beatjazz,” though I believe he’s searching for new nomenclature). See, previously:
Way Out From Behind The Laptop: Onyx Ashanti’s Beatjazz-Augmented Body Keeps Mutating

Here, that continues to develop, in a system with hardware and software that’s fairly understandable. Take input from a joystick and gyro sensors, and use your hands to fly through loops and sounds. You can check out all the schematics and software from this team and make your own – or modify it, and share those modifications, evolution-style.

Lovely work by Agustin Augustinoy and Urias Montanaro, studying at FAUD – UNC – Córdoba Argentina.

Full project files and the like, plus a community: