I’m a big fan of Auxy and I have been since its very first release. When it started it was firmly in the camp of simplified music making for everyone. Now we’re up to version 4 and Auxy has evolved. Version 4 is a big release. Auxy has introduced automation loops to let you automate sound settings.

The new automation loops in Auxy can be found below the melody loops for each instrument. In introducing automation Auxy has removed the original transition feature, which makes a lot of sense of course. In fact whilst I liked the transition feature to a point it always felt like something of a blunt instrument (no pun intended). So now all of your existing projects that used transitions will have been updated to use automation loops instead.

Just like Auxy’s melody loops, you select the automation loops that you want to be active in each scene, and now each scene can have one melody loop and one automation loop active for each instrument.

Of course adding this kind of feature to an app has fairly wide repercussions. Now the sound settings are no longer stored with each scene, which makes sense.  If you change the volume of an instrument in the tweak panel, it will change the volume across all scenes where volume is not automated. If you want specific values in a scene, you have to use an automation loop and set ‘static’ values, i.e. straight automation curves.

Version 4 also brings a couple of new sound features which I’m pleased to see. Each sound now has a pan setting, which lets you pan the sound to the left or right. Each sound also now has a high-pass setting, which lets you filter out low frequencies to improve the mix or create sweeping effects.

So all in all it’s a great update for Auxy, and one I’m looking forward to using. If you don’t know Auxy it’s really worth checking out on the app store, and also, it’s free.