New Voyager 1 Spacecraft Audio and Other Sounds from Space

I look forward to releases of sounds captured in outer space the way some people wait for new album releases. Don Gurnett, the University of Iowa physicist responsible for various space-bound audio instruments and the major advocate for space sound, is the Jagger of the genre. Even the Kronos Quartet has gotten in on the […]

Pluggo Jr.: 12 Free VST Plugins (Windows; Mac soon)

Pluggo is a classic sound design tool, with plugins ranging from utterly useful to utterly bizarre and destructive. Now, Cycling `74 is giving away 12 free Pluggos, calling it “Pluggo Jr.” The selection actually looks quite nice; see JDG’s story on em411. Windows-only for now, but Mac promised soon. Free download Of course, the best […]

Perfect Plugins: Simulate Silence, Resentful Girlfriends, Home Studio Equipment

Available for RTAS, VST, and AU (sorry, no Windows version), the latest plugins from Sonic Finger may just fit the bill: Dead Quietenator: equipped with parameters for “quiet” and “silence,” this plugin is sure to start a war between those who believe in perfect digital silence and those who want the warmer analog sound of […]

Obscure Plugins: Turkish Folk Instrument, BS, Seizure Generator

We continue to interrupt Moog Week for Weird Plugin Day. Forget parody plugins — truth is nearly as strange as fiction. Just watch the latest on KVR: Turkish Folk Instrument goes Virtual: First, there’s the Volko Baglama (via). The thousand year-old Turkish folk instrument known as a Baglama or saz has been converted to Windows […]

Obscure Plugins: Ancient Egyptians and FM Synthesis

Curiouser and curiouser . . . A reader named Atomic Afro (so glad I’m requiring you to register now!) is more astute than I am (not saying much). Mr. Afro points us to a new SynthEdit-created Windows VSTi called Luxor. Apparently this plugin “contains the magic powers of ancient egypt dietes and pharao’s.” (So, they […]


Check out what’s new at Ableton’s site while CDM’s exclusive story gets ready. But here’s the short of it: public beta, July 2005 release, MP3 support, tons of new features for remixing, working, and performing.

Live 5’s New Features: Real-Time DAW Vastly Expanded

Live 5 is here, with a huge list of new features. If MIDI made a big splash with Live 4, Live 5 could be even bigger. Aside from two things you begged them to add (MP3 support and an Arpeggiator, there’s plenty you probably didn’t expect. The short list: pro DAW features like freeze and […]

3 Reasons Live 5 Could Revolutionize Remixes and Mash-ups

Here’s the idea: a remix/mash-up artist collects a bunch of MP3s. (Hopefully Creative Commons for legal reasons, but I digress.) An app instantly locates all those files. She types the first few letters to find a file, drops the file into a program, and it instantly beat-matches the song. Only one app really fits that […]

Moog Week: A Bob Moog Timeline

With the Moog movie DVD out (review this week), Moog soundtrack (review this week), Moogfest tonight here in NYC (see you there), Theremin festival later this summer, Moog books, Moog t-shirts, Moog action figures . . . it’s only right that this week be declared Moog week (rhymes with brogue or vogue, NOT the sound […]

Wireless Sensing Over OSC

What price wireless? Sadly, EUR800. Building custom interfaces with sensors and custom controllers should bring maximum flexibility and freedom — but then come all those nasty wires you’re tethered to. The WiSe Box has the specs interactive artists have dreamed of for years: totally wireless, works via Wi-Fi, ultra-light, ultra-portable, powered by batteries, runs via […]