Calling Boston Area: Music Clambake at Summer Macworld

Macworld Conference & Expo in Boston (July 11-14) is looking like it’ll be a big event for Mac musicians. Here’s the lineup: Three workshops by yours truly: free on the showfloor, an all-inclusive Mac music intro, plus user conference workshops on live performance / DJing and graduating from GarageBand to Logic Users conference track on […]

Cycling `74 Shows Lemur Programmable Touchscreen

Cycling ‘74 offered a glimpse into digital music’s future last night at the San Francisco Apple Store, with one of the first public appearances of the JazzMutant Lemur programmable touchscreen controller working in concert with its software editor. Unlike conventional touchscreen tablets, the Lemur can support multiple simultaneous finger taps, making it, at least theoretically, […]

Faceplates for DJ Mixers

You’ve got them for cell phones, so why not DJ mixers, too? Skratchworx gets the scoop on a new set of custom faceplates created by one of their readers for the tres plain-jane Rane 56. They’re scratch-resistant — that’s the kind of scratches that mar your custom faceplate, not the thing you do to records. […]

Exploding the Piano with Kathleen Supové

How many people’s resumes include both a gig with the Phillip Glass Ensemble and posing nude for Marie Claire? An evening with new music virtuoso Kathleen Supové is not what most people expect from a solo piano recital. Her show this week finds her flanked by laptops, plus three projectors running childhood slides, live digital […]

When Users Take Over Plugins: Wusik Buyout?

It’s hard to get solid information, but a storm appears to be brewing on KVR Audio. The developer of Wusikstation is allegedly calling it quits — a combination of business and personal reasons, and sales lost to warez. That’s led to an unprecedented solution for some of the users: band together and try to acquire […]

Sensacell Interactive Surfaces

So, you want to build an LCD-lit video wall and interactively trigger sounds? But, what’s that? You want your surface to be modular, reliable, pre-built? Why, that’s a job for Sensacell, a modular interactive wall system that responds to proximity within 6″ with a sophisticated LCD lighting system. I saw Senacell at a recent night […]

Cubase News: Forum Users Locked Out Without Key; Tiger Update

It’s two, two, two Cubase stories in one. Here goes: forum will require USB key number: Don’t like entering serial numbers and the like when you’re installing software or talking to tech support? Now you may need them just to post to a forum. The revised forum policy on requires users to add […]

Exploding the Piano with Kathleen Supové

How many people’s resumes include both a gig with the Phillip Glass Ensemble and posing nude for Marie Claire? An evening with new music virtuoso Kathleen Supové is not what most people expect from a solo piano recital. Her show this week finds her flanked by laptops, plus three projectors running childhood slides, live digital […]

Star Wars and Sound Design

The first Star Wars movie launched a golden age of cinematic design, but not just for visuals — it was sound design’s greatest moment, too. The technology that made all this possible? None other than the humble field recording. (By the way, this is on everyone’s mind — just as I was putting this together, […]

Jaws Soundtrack: Remixed, Underwater

Artist Abinadi Meza has created a remixed composition of the “lighthearted” sounds of the movie Jaws (think drunken sailor sounds and off-key clarinet blasts), into a piece that wlll only be played underwater. To hear the output of the submerged speakers, you have to strip to your skivvies and float in the ocean. Title: Soft […]