New Novation Keyboard Shots, Bag

The folks at Novation, the synth company now owned by Focusrite, have sent along some images of their X-Station keyboards which are finally shipping here in the US. In addition to new keyboards with more keys, the company has now formally announced specially-designed bags for the X-Stations as we first glimpsed at AES in October. […]

Mackie Tracktion 2: Audio Workstation Revealed

Mackie's Tracktion is a newcomer to the Audio/MIDI multitrack DAW scene, but its one-window interface and powerful features have earned it a lot of respect — especially when it comes free with some interfaces and cost well under $100. Tracktion 2 is here now and sweetens the deal without sacrificing the elegance of the interface: […]

Korg Kontrol49: Full-Sized Keyboard for Computer Music

Korg's Micro Kontrol was wildly popular, but many shied away because it had tiny keys. The Kontrol49 has the favorite features of the Micro — plus some extras — but gives your digits full-sized black & whites: Pro-feel, full-size keys with the "Korg touch" and 8 velocity curves Traditional pitch and mod wheels plus a […]

Korg Oasys Keyboard-Computer Hybrid, Powered by Linux

The hardware keyboard empire, on the sidelines for the computer music renaissance, is striking back with new hybrid hardware. And Linux is spreading through digital music equipment — fast. Witness the new Linux-powered Korg behemoth: the second-generation OASYS keyboard announced today, as rumors predicted. Linux-powered computer, running entirely-proprietary Korg software on top (expansion appears to […]

Logic Pro 7.01, not 7.1

Apple has updated Logic Pro to version 7.01; the update is currently only available via Software Update and doesn't appear on There are numerous bug fixes in there (some resolving serious issues), though no significant feature changes. This would appear to quash reports that a 7.1 update to Logic would introduce some new features […]

DriveGenius: Drive Optimization for OS X

Defragmentation is still critical for peak disk performance for digital audio, even under new versions of OS X — even the Apple Logic documentation suggests it. Only problem is: there's not much on the Mac that's any good. Some utilities even require you to boot into OS 9. Which is why today's announcement of Drive […]

String Studio Physical Modeling Synth

Montréal-based Applied Acoustics has announced a new physical modeling synth at NAMM, as expected. String Studio models the interaction of picks, bows, hammers, fingers, frets, dampers and soundboards for more realistic recreations of real instruments like guitars, basses, harps, clavinets, bowed sounds and percussion, as well as to create wild new sounds of imagined instruments […]

Cycling `74 Brings Pluggo, Mode to Windows

Cycling `74 has brought two of their popular Mac products to Windows users: Pluggo is a collection of over 100 effects and instruments developed in the Max/MSP environment. It's an old favorite on the Mac, and Windows users have waited a long five years for a native version. While the collection seems a bit dated […]

Cycling `74 Will Sell Lemur Touchscreen

CDM has reported on the Star Trek-esque touchscreen interface Lemur before, and developer Jazz Mutant told CDM in the fall they expected to ship the unit this year. They've found a distributor: Cycling `74 will sell Jazz Mutant's Lemur for US$2495 (projected), with the first units expected in April 2005. The Lemur is a touchscreen […]

LAVA VJ Report: Dance Pad VJs and More

A report from the Los Angeles VJ party LAVA: VJ Fader introduced the video drum machine VDrum, as reported here earlier this week. (Windows now and OS X soon, free) Bizarre video screenings: Syncrosect and 4 Get Who U R Ableton Live (audio) and Isadora (video) controlled by a PlayStation 2 dance pad! Check out […]