Ever routed audio a few feet to an outboard effects processor? How about routing your audio all the way to Oberhausen, Germany? Thanks to the online Tank-FX (link in German), you can. A server feeds your audio sample into the tank and records it with a pair of Rode NT-5s, adding a nice, natural reverb […]
Russian Nesting Doll Theremin
Tom at MusicThing scooped CDM on the Japanese cat costume accessory for your Big Briar/Moog theremin, but I'm surprised he didn't point out the other oddities at the same site, like a Matrioshka (Russian nesting doll) theremin shell. You know, given nearly-unlimited choices of things to wave my hands over, I just can't think of […]
Moog Etherwave Pro, Theremin How-To Coming
While we're on the subject of theremins, sure, you could build one yourself — this is one of the single most popular DIY electronic projects of all time — but would you feel like a pro "gigging musician"? Bob Moog, who cut his teeth building theremins before he'd even thought of building modular synthesizers, has […]
64-Bit Windows Drivers (Edirol, M-Audio)
The 64-bit Windows audio phenomenon does seem to be for real. In addition to 64-bit music computers and 64-bit Cakewalk software, drivers are starting to surface. M-Audio already has 64-bit betas, and today Edirol announced it was launching beta drivers (via Harmony Central). Of course, meanwhile on the Mac, in addition to the G5 Power […]
‘Easter Egg’ Asteroid Image in GarageBand
'Asteroid' / Q97 is the leaked Apple audio interface that has started a firestorm over blogging, journalism, and privacy. A preliminary ruling today declared that bloggers aren't protected as journalists, and can't protect confidential sources (see BBC News) — potentially a major blow for online journalism and even traditional journalists using email, says the EFF. […]
Jack 0.61: Linux Audio Power on Mac
An intrepid development team is quietly bringing the power of Linux audio to the ultimate flexibility of Mac OS X and Core Audio. It's called JackOSX, and if you haven't checked it out yet, now is the time: with this free software, you can route audio between any Core Audio-based Mac apps (that's basically everything […]
Free Nintendo-Style Synth: Triforce (PC)
Triforce is a soft synth from Tweakbench for producing classic Nintendo Entertainment System-style sounds. No gimmicks here: square, triangle, noise oscillator, go to town. The simplicity is beautiful, and the price is free. We've mentioned the superb stuff from Tweakbench before, but this deserves special mention. (via Brad Sucks and Future Boy) Sorry, Macsters: Tweakbench […]
Dangerous-Looking Japanese Speakers
From French-language site Akihabara News: what's a pair of speakers without a nice megaphone on top? I like it, and it looks like it may well be connected to the actual speaker, but this is only a start: can it rotate, too, like a giant Leslie cabinet without the cabinet?
Dierdre: French Electronica Vocalist Breaks Out
Dierdre, formerly singer with Ekova, is now lending her sultry French vocals to a fantastic, diverse solo debut called One. It's just hit the playlist at CDM HQ and sounds fantastic; check out a wealth of links for more information from The Suburbs are Killing Us (currently my favorite listening-to-music blog). Check the North American […]
BetaBugs and Other Free Plugins and Hosts Roundup (Windows)
Hey, kids, you know what time it is? It's Free, um . . . Wednesday. In which we try, mostly unsuccessfully, to keep up with the ongoing flood of free audio stuff for Windows. BetaBugs has added BugPass (bandpass filter which can double as a notch filter), and Moneo (deconstructs a stereo signal and remaps […]