The great Rutt/Etra synthesizer repair party is almost over (hear all about it in a past episode of VJ-U). Daniel Summer threw the party, Matthew Schlanger hosted it, Messrs. Steve Rutt and Bill Etra came to repair and perform with the machines, respectively, many others, including Benton-C and Kyle Lapidus, came to help repair them (you know who you are), and David Last and I stopped by to play with them yesterday. David shot some great pictures (see slideshow below or on Flickr) of the machines and a new composition by Bill. Note: the screenshots were photographed off of a monitor while Benton was capturing the HD footage of Bill’s work, and David played with the hue of the images in Photoshop to give them a little variety. I will upload some HD footage of my own play on the Rutt/Etra sometime soon. If you’re in New York City, you can see some of it when I play my set with DJ Olive at {R}ake next Wednesday the 30th.

Slideshow created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.