Quick! You need to send music to someone! You need to make it count!

I love SoundCloud and whatnot, but with everyone so overwhelmed by music, there’s something about making something physical. We’ve covered this topic before, but:

1. I think we can all use a break from 2,000 word posts with 150 comments and controversy over deadmau5 (or Paris Hilton DJ debuts – staying away from that one).
2. CDM can only rarely link to wedding sites. This is one of those times.
3. With many variations out there, this one is especially nicely done, and nicely photographed, and illustrates the utility of using nice paper.

So, as the CD enjoys its final days, make that physical copy matter to someone. (It’s still an affordable way to give them a physical object – USB sticks aren’t there yet.)

D.I.Y Friday… Mix C.D. Place Settings [Rock My Wedding – seriously, the name of the site. Have we even mentioned weddings on CDM?]

Last Days of Compact Disco: Album Lovers Hand-Make Musical Objects
A Handmade Children’s Book, a 7″ Vinyl Record, and Tangible, Handmade Music
Reclaim the Album’s Soul: Tips for Handmade CD Artwork, Make One Sunday

I guess I’ll see you again when I repeat this post in 2013. Like a passing comet… and made still more bittersweet by the absence of a CD drive on those new MacBooks. (Think how special it’ll be when someone connects the external drive to rip your handmade CD… or, perhaps, fires up a vintage CD Walkman or hi-fi…)