Drop whatever you’re doing and watch this video of a rabbit and a guinea pig playing Korg. It’s likely to be one of the most amazing synth jams you’ve ever seen.

Gear check:
KORG volca bass
KORG monotribe

I don’t know about you, but I hear some references to early La Monte Young, even in this genre-bending performance. And the stage presence here is, to me, unquestionable – this really shows why hardware performance is rising in popularity over laptops. No one would say these either of these two furry virtuosos is checking his email. (Her? Not sure – but then I think these pets are also probably post-gender. And, truly, truly post-human.)

What do you mean, slow news day?

Ha, like you think CDM is unable to comment on other rumors or something is under an NDA? No.

The best news day.

Going to set this video to loop.

Video by Robert L. Pepper (www.pasmusique.net) — with Lydia Pepper. Shot in New York.

Best CDM animal spirit since Hatebeak.


Don’t miss, too, otters playing a Casio, at roughly the average level of 80s Casio keyboard skills.