Reed Ghazala, the father of circuit bending and a truly unique artist, sends along the wacky world of his paintbox, now upgraded for the Web 2.0 age as a flickr set. He writes:

“I just put up a flickr gallery your patrons might like, fulla all kinds of Make-ish (and Mac-ish) stuff.

“Maybe your online visitors will like (see Waits’ megaphone, Incantor diagrams, modded cameras, weird ideas, experiments, etc.).”

I expect you patrons will like it. “weird” and “bizarre” do get included as tags, so at least you don’t have to feel like only you think it’s a bit strange when a coconut inexplicably mates with a circuit board. There’s plenty of fascinating art, too, much of it computer-made. And, as usual, builders will find plenty of brilliant musical instrument inspiration, like Tom Waits’ electronic singing carafe, pictured here. Wired apparently isn’t hard-core enough to put Ghazala’s work on their cover, but if they did, it’d look like this:

My Paintbox (Ghazala, graphic design)