For a little inspiration, it’s Famea’s bent toy piano. Looks quite playable — nice.

Los Angeles readers, Surya Buchwald aka Momo the Monster writes to let us know he’s taking on the Circuit Bending Challenge live and in person, with a workshop. So if you were feeling squeamish about the challenge and want some assistance, this good be a great opportunity. Please help spread the word, wonderful Californians!

Join us for our Next Share.LA!
October 28th is the Circuit Bending challenge, as posted on Create Digital Music. The challenge is to buy a lo-tech music toy, hack it and document it, and upload the results all in one day! Tell you what – I won’t penalize you for buying your toy early or using one you already have. Never circuit-bent anything before? Don’t know anything about electronics? Great! I’m quite an amateur myself, but I know enough to help you get bending – and I’ve got the tools and parts you need. Directions on the Basswerks site.


If any other municipalities want to organize similar events, even informal ones, let me know and I’ll update here. But events aren’t strictly needed, nor is even more than one person: you are your own event. (That’s what I keep telling myself, for sure.) We’ll all be sending good bendy vibes for the next few days.

Posting to Flickr

Got photos? Upload to Flickr under the tag circuitbendingchallenge. (Don’t forget to add them to the CDMu group, too.) Evil Paul is already up there with some items he scored for a mere US 50 cents to $2.00. And that’s the idea: not just making something cheap, but actually salvaging something fairly worthless to others and making it art / something you’d want to keep.