Now having let the genie out of the bottle, there’s no saying where Roland will turn next with reboots and reissues. But some people are evidently not content to wait. So, via Twitter via Facebook, we see this lovely image of the 1998 Roland MC-505 groovebox, reimagined for people who love that black-with-Matrixsynth green-trim look of the new AIRAs.

And… well, it’s kind of hilarious. It definitely cleans up the legibility of the labels.


Now, the MC-505 isn’t quite what you’d call a “classic” or “legendary.” But don’t scoff: I know some folks who really love this 90s beast, proof there’s basically a home for anything you put on eBay.

When I start this headline with “someone…,” I’m not just aping viral headline style, either. I have no idea who did this.

I’m hoping they read CDM. Please, come forward.

Updated: that was quick.

Mark Kunoff writes in comments:

This image appeared this morning on my “Groovebox Society” Facebook page. After much excitement and investigation, it turns out owner Andy Graham uploaded his Aira-inspired art layout to Styleflips [] to make this happen. He also shared that this will go up on “on ebay in a few days”. Being a fan of all things “groovebox”, I was delighted to see this and would love to see Roland re-release this beast – improving on some of it’s previous limitations of course. 😉
Helloooooooo Roland! 😉
‘Groovebox Society’ facebook group [ ]

A groovebox society is a great society. Joining up.

Anyway, I love the 90s. Hillary Clinton’s back, and so is the MC-505?