Groovy Geometries: Les Professionnels – Move! Music Video, Made in Flash

Beth Wexler – aka Memory Lab – writes with a terrific music video project, built in Flash. It’s a lovely example of doing more with less, featuring some elegant, minimal colored geometries dancing along with the music – and brings a VJ aesthetic to the video, a bit of abstract expression. The music is Philadelphia’s […]

In Animated Film Ishihara, an Exploration of Color Blindness, All in Dots

Ishihara – English version from Yoav Brill on Vimeo. In an exquisite short film, animator Yoav Brill of Tel Aviv, Israel, tells a story entirely with dots. “Ishihara” draws its name and inspiration from the visual tests used to detect color blindness. The story becomes a poignant reflection on difference. The film was just translated […]

Peter Kirn - December 13, 2010

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