With Animation and Live Visuals, Meet Annapurna, CDM's Newest Visualist Contributor

Ed.: Create Digital Motion is now five years old, and we hear more than ever from a community that wants to see more in-depth coverage of visuals for music, interactive visuals, and live performance visuals and VJing. I couldn’t be more excited to begin to introduce some new voices to make that happen on this […]

With Animation and Live Visuals, Meet Annapurna, CDM’s Newest Visualist Contributor

Ed.: Create Digital Motion is now five years old, and we hear more than ever from a community that wants to see more in-depth coverage of visuals for music, interactive visuals, and live performance visuals and VJing. I couldn’t be more excited to begin to introduce some new voices to make that happen on this […]

Annapurna Kumar - August 16, 2011

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