Acidwerk is a totally bonkers free and open source Web acid synth

Acidwerk puts the acid in acid. Yes, this is a generative bassline and drum synth. No, it does not make the vanilla acid you might be imagining. It’s a beautifully bizarre instrument perfect for creating some chaotic noise in a browser tab right after you’ve closed … the news.

Meng Qi’s new Wingie2 firmware is inspired by the late Rob Hordijk’s Blippoo Box

Dutch designer Rob Hordijk inspired many instrument creators before his death last fall. Meng Qi is one of those moved by his work. He has just released an alternative firmware for his Wingie2 that allows it to behave like Hordijk’s beloved Blippoo Box.

Peter Kirn - February 27, 2023

Watch a free program on modular audio synthesis and programming today

From Lyon’s Grame center, today there’s a free online workshop on patching and coding your own synths, including working with tools like the Faust DSP environment (even on the Web), VCV Rack, Daisy Eurorack, Arduino, Teensy, and more.

Peter Kirn - November 21, 2020

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