From Vixid.Noisepages: Flamingo Crash Live/Studio Music Video for Sister Sister

For one of the final Game On performances, Melbourne’s “spiky electro pop” group Flamingo Crash came along and rocked out in front of a bunch of security cameras, and alongside their visual collaborator Simulcast with his Tagtool. They enjoyed the live footage so much that they commissioned me to edit it as an “offical” music […]

Vixid, Rock Band, Simulcast, Oh My! Streaming Live Tomorrow from Game On

I have a confession to make, CDMo(n)sters. I’ve been keeping things from you. There has been so much exciting stuff happening with the Vixid and Herovision over the past months that I’ve been paralyzed. In spite of my “do it fast, release it now” philosophy, I haven’t been sharing things, because they’ve been perpetually not […]

Jaymis Loveday - February 5, 2009

Live Rockband Visuals with Vixid: Herovision Launches this Saturday

You may have noticed that I’ve been a little quiet in recent months. The Game On Projection Mapping project is partly to blame, but the biggest culprit will be making its first public appearance as well this Saturday, and I’ve called it Herovision. Herovision Testing Party from Jaymis on Vimeo. The above video features a […]

Jaymis Loveday - November 18, 2008

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