Sinevibes’ YouTube account is terminated (updated: it’s back!)

YouTube has disabled the account of plugin developer Sinevibes, citing violations of the platform’s “spam, deceptive practices and scams policy.” There’s no rational reason for that, and it’s the latest chilling example of how severely dominant tech platforms can disrupt businesses. Here’s more:

SOPHIE is international Google Doodle today on her birthday

September 17, 2024, would have been hyper pop legend Sophie Xenon’s 38th birthday. Just over three years after her death, Google has put her in the spotlight internationally on its “Doodle” on the search engine’s homepage—hopefully a chance for folks to discover or rediscover her music, which seems more prescient than ever.

Peter Kirn - September 17, 2024

Welcome to YouTube Hell: A MIDI pack reseller silences criticism

YouTube is elevating new voices to prominence in music technology as in other fields. But the platform’s esoteric rules are also ripe for abuse – as one YouTube host claims.

Peter Kirn - April 30, 2019

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