rr is a free Max for Live gizmo that lets you play Roar with MIDI notes

What’s great? Roar. What’s the best part of Roar? Feedback. What could make it even better? The ability to play it with MIDI notes. Perfect.

Performance Pack for Ableton Live 12 now has a video manual

Performance Pack, included with the upcoming Ableton Live 12, is capable of all sorts of feats for using Live as a performance instrument. That includes custom layouts, stored variations, looping in Arrangement, and a way of setting up arrangements on the fly. But it’s easier to see it in action than to explain – so creator Iftah has been laboring on an extensive video manual.

Peter Kirn - January 11, 2024

Microtuner for Ableton Live now supports Push standalone, Scala export

Ableton has been updating a lot of its Max for Live Devices this summer, including CV Tools and now Microtuner. Compatibility with standalone mode on the new Push is a must, of course, but there are enhancements for everyone, too.

Peter Kirn - July 21, 2023

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