In which this humble author, with tongue sometimes planted in cheek: 1. Shares a how-to video on datamoshing. 2. Forbids the use of the word datamoshing in future. 3. Challenges obscenely-gifted motion artist David O’Reilly to a rumble. Here’s the story so far: there’s a compression artefact created when videos are compressed improperly, which causes […]
Read moreIn which this humble author, with tongue sometimes planted in cheek: 1. Shares a how-to video on datamoshing. 2. Forbids the use of the word datamoshing in future. 3. Challenges obscenely-gifted motion artist David O’Reilly to a rumble. Here’s the story so far: there’s a compression artefact created when videos are compressed improperly, which causes […]
In which this humble author, with tongue sometimes planted in cheek: 1. Shares a how-to video on datamoshing. 2. Forbids the use of the word datamoshing in future. 3. Challenges obscenely-gifted motion artist David O’Reilly to a rumble. Here’s the story so far: there’s a compression artefact created when videos are compressed improperly, which causes […]
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