From Ancient Greek to Znameny Chant, a world beyond Western notation

If news of Finale’s demise had you pondering what notation is for – and who it’s for – those are the right questions to ask. And yes, there is a world beyond Common Western Notation.

“High” and “low” pitch are not universal; sometimes there are crocodiles

“High” and “low” pitch are universal, right? Wrong. Try large and small, thick and thin, and among Zimbabwe’s Shona people, even crocodile and … those who follow crocodile. A newly updated online resource is collecting variants.

Peter Kirn - November 26, 2023

Live 12 will have an interactive companion site exploring tuning

Ableton Live 12 will ship with new integrated tuning support — but there’s more. An interactive website will explore the context and musical traditions behind some of those tunings, along with interactive tools for working with tuning and modes. Here’s a preview.

Peter Kirn - November 23, 2023

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