Juneteenth Liber8 is streaming now with Black Techno Matters

You can bring Juneteenth Black Techno Matters energy directly to your screen from live events across the US and an international livestream (Liber8URL). (Or if you’re in a host city, go in person.)

KMRU on spaces, Nairobi, and turning off Ableton Live’s grid

It’s a film about tuning into the spaces around you, but KMRU makes an argument for being more than where you’re from. And to open up possibilities, he also does the thing I expect a lot of you know you want to do but might be afraid to do – turn off the grid now and then. Even in the software known for it.

Peter Kirn - November 18, 2021

Sonic worlds, liberated: listen to performances on the free tuning tool Apotome

Online festivals have often made us miss physical meetings even more, but Apotome at CTM Festival was a real bright spot of the past year. A long-running creation of composer/researcher Khyam Allami in collaboration with creative studio Counterpoint, it became a tool to explore and a platform for collaboration and expression.

Peter Kirn - March 8, 2021

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