Painting with People: Pac-Man and Other Human Pixel Projects by NOTsoNOISY

Recalling the imaginative antics of football-field drill teams, the work of Swiss filmmaker NOTsoNOISY (Guillaume Reymond) makes human beings into pixels. People themselves become the medium as much as the stop-motion film, with charming results. So, speaking of what that means for a building facade, it’s worth visiting some of the other best work from […]

"Particles" by Daito Manabe & Motoi Ishibashi: A Pixel Roller Coaster

PARTICLES / Daito MANABE & Motoi ISHIBASHI from stereolux on Vimeo. Pixels, no longer merely abstract ephemera, become kinetic sculpture in the latest interactive installation work by masters of new media Daito Manabe and Motoi Ishibashi. The focus of the work, the creators say, is no less than the “field of vision.” In Nantes, France, […]

Peter Kirn - July 20, 2012

“Particles” by Daito Manabe & Motoi Ishibashi: A Pixel Roller Coaster

PARTICLES / Daito MANABE & Motoi ISHIBASHI from stereolux on Vimeo. Pixels, no longer merely abstract ephemera, become kinetic sculpture in the latest interactive installation work by masters of new media Daito Manabe and Motoi Ishibashi. The focus of the work, the creators say, is no less than the “field of vision.” In Nantes, France, […]

Peter Kirn - July 20, 2012

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