From Beirut to their current home, Prague, Rust – the duo of Petra Hawi and Hany Manja – have created an anthem and reflection on life far away from home. The video came out this week, at a moment when I know many, many diasporas are watching crises unfolding in parallel across the world.
Read moreForget what platform it’s on for a moment – a Friday is a perfect time to support independent DIY music production, by directly supporting the artist and downloading something that you can come back to again and again.
We’re gathering with top digital media artists this week – and you can tune in. Here’s a preview of their work, on the eve of Lunchmeat Festival, Prague.
brings together the latest breaking news on music, technology, gear, and live visuals. Got a project, found a news tip, or want to share your product? Submit to us directly.