The demise of Keyboard Magazine, after 41 years

Keyboard Magazine will cease to exist as a publication, after having been continuously published since 1975. And this isn’t just another “print is dead” footnote. Keyboard was the publication that defined commercial writing about electronic musical instruments. And whatever the logic behind the decision, the demise of Keyboard says something about the state of both […]

Weekend Reader Link Roundup: Global VJ Map, Australian AV DVD, VJ Publication

Here’s a couple of links which were sent in by CDMo readers over the weekend: Zac pointed out the Frappr VJ Map, showing visualists from all around the planet. Kat sent through an email from Timon, who is working on a VJ publication entitled VisualJockey (and is looking for submissions). Finally, Mitchell is sending through […]

Jaymis Loveday - June 29, 2008

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