Quiet Ensemble: Music by Pineapples, Mice, Snails, and Goldfish, and a Theater as Actor

In calm reflections on life and nature, the Quiet Ensemble lets flora and fauna compose their own ambient etudes, following their movements and tuning in on electrical frequencies. Mice running in wheels play music boxes; light and sound trace the slimy path of snails. Fruit charge up thick, glitchy bass, as goldfish perform an audiovisual […]

The Audiovisual Synth: VJ Fader + Mandy Mozart on Combining Visuals, Sound [Video]

VJ Fader and Mandy Mozart about A+V from LVX.TV Institute for Live-Video on Vimeo. Visuals can accompany sound, make elaborate light shows that splash color behind music, or turn music into a stunning spectacle. But really fusing visuals and music into the sense of one medium? That’s a bigger hill to climb. In another interview […]

Peter Kirn - August 23, 2012

When Hundreds of Visualists Converge: Ioann Maria Explains LPM’s Revolutionary Vision

Ioann Maria about Live Performers Meeting from LVX.TV Institute for Live-Video on Vimeo. VJ day, indeed. What will it take for live visuals to reach a new level of expression? Perhaps that answer is human, not technical, involving newcomers as well as experts, unknown and undiscovered talent as well as celebrities, and getting as much […]

Peter Kirn - August 20, 2012

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